April 18-21, 2024 - Los Angeles

Call for Workshops

Creating Connections is the theme for CTEBVI’s 64th Annual Conference. This year we will gather again at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott.

As we build on and benefit from our professional relationships and networks, these connections can teach or inspire us to build our own skills and knowledge. We invite you to share one or more of your fresh ideas, innovative insights, successful programs, or research results, addressing the wide range of issues facing those serving children and adults who are blind or visually impaired. Please share this information with others who may be interested in presenting.

CTEBVI is proud to celebrate our 64th conference. It is considered to be one of the most inclusive in the field, encompassing transcribers, teachers, paraprofessionals, rehabilitation specialists, orientation & mobility specialists, students, parents and all other advocates for K-12 blind and low vision students, both nationally and internationally.

General Information about Presentation Proposals

Presentation Format Descriptions

Workshop Presentations are 60 minutes in length. These may include lectures or demonstrations, reports of research design or results, or effective presentations of other relevant information. This format may include a panel of speakers who provide views on a specific topic. Panel presentations should be limited to four speakers.

Workshop presentations will take place during Friday and Saturday of the conference. We have eliminated the two-part workshop format, as it was found to confuse workshop participants who didn't select both sessions. Please consider a second, separate workshop to present additional material.

All presentations will be in-person. All workshops will be video recorded and available for members on the CTEBVI website post-conference. All handouts must be provided electronically and be in accessible formats.

A workshop monitor will be assigned to your workshop to introduce you and assist during your presentation.

Proposal Selection Criteria

Presentations at the CTEBVI Conference should be designed to educate participants about successful practices, innovations, research, or expanded perspectives that improve services to students and clients who are blind or visually impaired. For vendors who submit proposals, we are looking for presentations that focus on products for educational or rehabilitation outcomes. We encourage vendors to co-present with VI professionals and/or students. (e.g., “Using Video Magnifiers to Access Board Work” or “Notetakers in the College Classroom”). Workshops focusing solely on products will not be considered.

Proposals will be reviewed by the conference committee using the following criteria:

Proposal Submission Process

Deadline for proposal submission is November 15, 2023.

Proposals are to be submitted through a web-based submission process using the link below. Please have all your information ready before you begin to enter your proposal.

Submission forms must be completed in full. You will need to provide the following pieces of information:

Presentation title. Titles will be limited to or edited to a limit of 100 characters.

Abstract of the presentation. This should be a concise summary of the complete presentation in 50 to 200 words, as required for ACVREP approval.

Description of presentation: This should be a brief description of your presentation and will be included in the conference program.

Workshop Strand: Educator, Transcriber, Paraeducator, Parent

Primary learning objective(s)or outcome(s) for participants who attend the session. The learning objective(s) should indicate the knowledge, concepts, or skills participants should be able to demonstrate following the presentation. This is required for ACVREP approval.

Names and contact information for each presenter: Before submitting a proposal, the lead presenter should confirm the commitment of co-presenters and include them and their contact information on the proposal submission form. Please reflect the contact information that you want included in the conference program.

Brief profile of each presenter, including degrees, credentials and agency affiliations if appropriate.

Ready to submit a Workshop Proposal? Click on the link below to go to the submission form for the 2024 CTEBVI Conference:

2024 Workshop Submission Form

If you have questions or need additional information about a specific workshop strand, the requirements for the workshops, want to brainstorm ideas, etc. please contact Sue Reilly, CTEBVI Workshop Chair at ctebvi.workshops@gmail.com.

Deadline for proposal submission is November 15, 2024. Accepted presenters will be notified by the end of December, 2023.